Bank Holiday Weekend: Who Is playing in your area?

By Dennis Minter

23 May 2024

With a whole extra day for you to hopefully frolic in the Great British sunshine, Feedback searched for some of the best artists that you can watch live in your area this Bank Holiday weekend. Click on the link to your local area to find who’s performing near you.

South Coast:

Covering the entire south coast of England, there is plenty of live music in places such as Brighton and Plymouth for you to check out this weekend. Click here to find out more.


England’s capital is renowned for it’s overwhelmingly strong music scene. To help you cut through the noise and watch the best local artists, click here

East Anglia:

Hotbeds like Norwich and Ipswich are covered in this article of course, but there are a few surprises thrown in here that are a little further a field. Click here to find out where the best musicians are performing


Click here to find all of the amazing musicians that are playing across the midlands this long weekend. There are so many to choose from!

Wales and Bristol:

Some astonishing artists, both English and Welsh language, are playing in Wales and Bristol over the next four days. Click here to find out who they are


Home to Feedback magazine, Yorkshire has an abundance of fantastic performers coming at you live this weekend, and you can find them here

North West:

Home of two musical city titans in Liverpool and Manchester, click here to find out who is playing in the North West this Bank Holiday

North East:

Click here for all the brilliant musicians playing in the North East in places like Newcastle, Durham and Middlesbrough until the Monday the 27th


To find out about all the great acts playing in bonny Scotland this long weekend, Click here

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