“They’ll promise you the world”: Ex-Radio Plugger reveals be wary of social media music pluggers

By Charlie Fenton

30 May 2024

Credit: Ross Hemsworth

On social media you will find many ads from music pluggers claiming to be able to grow your audience and put you on playlists, but how much should you trust them? 

On social media you will find many ads from music pluggers claiming to be able to grow your audience and put you on playlists, but how much should you trust them? 

Ross Hemsworth, Former TV and radio presenter of the globally syndicated show Now THAT’S Weird and a national station radio plugger says to undertake “careful due diligence” before “giving them any of your hard earned money”.

Ross, who is also a songwriter, composer, and voting member of the US Songwriters Hall of Fame, said: “They’ll usually start following you when they see you make music, then you will find them in your junk mail or direct messages saying they can give you more listeners and sales, but beware.

“Whilst there are a few very good and honest promoters out there, it’s a minefield, and you could lose what little money you have very quickly at the hands of a rogue operator.”

Ross has had his music published by numerous global music publishers including Carlin Music and Heath Levy Music.

He has also had twelve of his most recent tunes signed by music publishers who specialise in placing songs in films and TV series. 

Ross’s advice is to do your due diligence “very carefully”. 

“Check their current successes, talk to the artists they have actually represented (or claim to).

“Also check how many of their social media followers are real and how many may appear to be purchased.”

Ross believes there is “no easy” way to get more listeners or followers for your music other than “hard work, building relationships and creating your own fan base through live gigs, web pages, your own social media, and interacting with those fans”. 

If you are after radio airplay, you need a “good and successful plugger”. Ross said: “check their client list and what they are currently achieving as many have a great track record in the past, but haven’t had a hit for years.

“I used to be a radio plugger and I’ve seen all the tricks to keep the money coming in. 

“So in short, be very careful who you pay to help you achieve your goals because it’s very easy to get robbed blind.”

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