Our Mission

Feedback is a magazine dedicated to nurturing the aspiring artist; the catalyst for developing fresh independent music in the UK scene through content that pushes boundaries. Artists come to us to find out not what the A-lists are doing but for the people that are in the soup of the industry. We’re inspiring them to rip up the rule book and curate their own path, guided by voices that speak for them. The music industry is daunting (even for the professionals), but we believe that giving them honest advice is the best policy. 


Advice from Feedback comes not only in direct instruction, but also in quirky features that offer inspiration for budding musicians across the menu tabs: Showcase, Mic Drop, On stage, Off Stage, Business, Watch, Upload and Podcast.

Meet the team

Jimmy Hughes-Brown

Jimmy Hughes-Brown

Writer and multimedia

Hi I’m Jimmy, I Love reggae and rock but honestly I’ll listen to anything with a funky sound. I love being able to interview bands and I’m really looking forward to filming some gigs live.

Fave album – Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys


Charlie Fenton

Charlie Fenton

Writer and website design

Hi I’m Charlie, I love rock’n’ roll and my favourite band by far is Oasis (though I do have a soft spot for Coldplay). I’m really looking forward to making the website look amazing.

Fave album – Definitley Maybe by Oasis

Tom Jackson

Tom Jackson

Audio and video manager

Hi I’m Tom, I’m always interested in hearing something putside of my listening space, because often that’s when i find the best music. I’m most looking forward to creating a variety of music video content.

Fave album – Endtroducing….. by DJ Shadow

Owen Jameson

Owen Jameson

Writer and website design

Hi I’m Owen, I Love music from the 60s/70s, specifically Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and ELO.

I’m most looking forward to writing about the brilliant music we have in the UK and more specifically the West Midlands.

Fave album – Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

Dennis Minter

Dennis Minter

Social Media and podcast

Hi I’m Dennis, I Love any sort of music, especially if I’m listening live, but I always like heavier rock or house music.

I’m most looking forward to showing off all our social media accounts and working on the Soundcheck podcast.

Fave album – Songs For The Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age

Alice Haldane

Alice Haldane

Social Media and podcast

Hey I’m Alice, I love all music genres, but I mainly listen to RnB, soul, rap and jazz!

I’m really excited to be working across social media and hosting the new podcast, Soundcheck, alongside Dennis.

Fave album – Lost & Found by Jorja Smith

Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Writer and designer

Hi I’m Alex, I’m a big fan of most guitar music, British classics like Led Zeppelin and The Beatles.

I’m really looking forward to discovering the stories behind some of the most exciting new talents in our upcoming interviews.

Fave album – Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division

Sam Lakin

Sam Lakin

Producer and writer

Hi I’m Sam, I listen to a bit of everything but most consistently funk/jazz, I’m loving the boom in those scenes at the moment in the UK. Indie is a playlist mainstay too.

I’m excited to do music reviews and our podcast interviews, both are great ways to directly platform smaller artists that we think deserve to be in the spotlight.

Fave album – Being So Normal by Peach Pit

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