Album of the day: 26 May

By Owen Jameson

26 May 2024

Our album of the day is Hearts’ EP ‘EP 2, released in 2024.

A British and Swedish four-piece, Hearts have put their own spin on indie-rock. The band even features ex-Catfish and the Bottlemen drummer, Rob Hall. Hearts have a mature, refined and powerful sound that will remain in your head all day long. With their undeniably cool look and sound, Hearts have only been putting out music since 2023, but their growth in just over a year has been clear to see for all that have listened to them.

With Festivals lined up this summer like Isle of Wight and Victorious, Hearts are certainly on an upward trajectory.

With clear influences from The Killers and noughties indie music like the early Arctic Monkeys and Kaiser Chiefs, Hearts are going to get bigger and bigger with each release.

The EP is clearly influenced by The Killers with catchy and synth heavy tracks like In Over Our Heads and Sideways accompanied by a more guitar fuelled track like What Do You Want Kid? there is variation in tracks whilst remaining consistent within their own unique sound. ‘EP2’ is sure to be loved by fans of Noughties indie everywhere.

Feedback’s favourite song from the EP is In Over Our Heads. The lyrics will transport you back to your teenage years. They conjure feelings of going out with your mates and ‘getting up to no good’ and in turn being in over your heads; but it doesn’t matter because you’ve got your friends with you. ‘Figuring out who to be’ is a key lyric which most people will resonate with, especially thinking back to their teenage years of uncertainty and change. Listening to it, I feel like I’m 17 again, and the sense of nostalgia that this track gives me, is something a song hasn’t given me in a long time.

With 4 songs and a run time that’s around 14 minutes, you don’t have a reason not to listen to it.

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