Album Of The Day: 28 May

By Dennis Minter

28 May 2024

Our Album of the Day for the 28th May is At The End Of The Day… It’s Night by the supremely talented Aby Coulibaly.

Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, Coulibaly is mainly an R&B artist, but with a wide ranging and layered discography, she is so often hard to define due to her wealth of talent that always surprises you with new tricks. She isn’t so much ‘One-size-fits-all’ as she is ‘Has something for everyone’ due to her immense versatility.

Her 2023 debut album At The End Of The Day… It’s Night is the ultimate showcase of this deep well of ability. The brilliantly produced Still headlines the album as a more traditional R&B track. The song provides an insight into Coulibaly’s thoughtful song crafting skill, through the perfect use of multiple voices, as well as her beautiful singing voice.

Moving onto Irresponsible shows the shift in gear indicative of her undefinable nature. Gentle guitar strumming overlaid maracas would suggest a more indie song initially, but when the beat and soulful lyrics kick in, you are left with a unique yet immediately attention grabbing tune.

Without question though, the best of the album is saved for the excellent single Weekdays. This lo-fi hit is good on it’s own but is made great by an incredibly fun and catchy chorus. Be careful though; if you listen to this song it will not leave your head. Feedback will be singing Do you really care? I do. Do you really care? I do. for weeks to come.

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Listen to Aby Coulibaly here:

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