What is Feedback’s #dontlosegrassroots campaign?

By Charlie Fenton

29 May 2024

Feedback have started a campaign called #dontlosegrassroots following in the footsteps of the Music Venue Trust in supporting local venues. 

We decided to join the pledge to support theTrust in their #ownourvenues scheme and ‘The Artists Pledge’ as Feedback prides itself on supporting musicians on achieving their dreams. 

Our musicians would not be achieving these dreams without local music venues, our bevloed artists wouldn’t have achieved their dreams without local venues, and Feedback wouldn’t have a brand without local venues. 

READ MORE: Yorkshire independent grassroots venue set to be evicted but will remain “full stream ahead”

The Music Venue Trust’s, alongside Music Venue Properties, #ownourvenues scheme is an ownership based model to give grassroots venues a permanent home across the country. It aims to give such venues a permanent future.

Their ‘The Artists Pledge’ is in support of their proposed idea of the ticket levy which consists of every ticket sold at an area or stadium having a £1 fee which will be used to offer financial support to local and grassroots venues. 

At Feedback, we have our own take, we want to get as many people down to local venues to support the artists as well as the venues. If you are wanting to take part with the campaign, use #dontlosegrassroots on a social post when you are at a local gig and we will repost it.

If you are an artist, use #forthemucisians and we’ll repost to try and get as many people down to your gig as possible. 

Lets come together to keep a beloved industry alive. You can find more information about the Music Venue Trust here.

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