How many streams do you need to make £1000?

By Charlie Fenton

29 May 2024

Earning money as a musician is tough and very unrewarding when starting out in your career. With aims to help you visualise streams to money, we have broken down how many streams you need on each of the 5 major platforms to earn £1000. 

READ MORE: Music academy graduate on how practicality of becoming a musician in todays economy

The five major streaming platforms include: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and TIDAL. 

Spotify gives out £0.003 to £0.004 per streaming so to earn £1,000 on Spotify you need around 290,000 streams.

On Apple Music, the pay rate is £0.01 meaning you will need around 100,000 streams. 

Amazon Music pays between £0.004 and £0.008 per stream so you are looking around 130,000 to 290,000 streams.

Surprising though, YouTube you will need around 130,000 streams as it pays £0.003 per listen.

The best way to earn money as a musician is on TIDAL. You need around 90,000 streams as it pays £0.012 per stream

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