Album Of The Day: 28 May

Album Of The Day: 28 May

Our Album of the Day for the 28th May is At The End Of The Day… It’s Night by the supremely talented Aby Coulibaly. Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, Coulibaly is mainly an R&B artist, but with a wide ranging and layered discography, she is so often hard...
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Select all audio modules with the custom class var audioModules = document.querySelectorAll('.custom-audio-module'); audioModules.forEach(function(module, index) { // Create a container for the counter var counterContainer = document.createElement('div'); counterContainer.classList.add('counter-container'); counterContainer.innerHTML = '0'; // Append the counter container to the module module.appendChild(counterContainer); // Get the audio element var audio = module.querySelector('audio'); // Initialize the counter var counter = 0; // Add play event listener to the audio element audio.addEventListener('play', function() { counter++; document.getElementById('audio-counter-' + index).textContent = counter; }); }); });