
She’s In Parties: Bassist Charlie Johnson’s advice on the inner workings of the music industry

She’s In Parties: Bassist Charlie Johnson’s advice on the inner workings of the music industry

Just after forming, She's In Parties found themselves on the back foot. Their dreams met at a standstill as the Covid pandemic swept across the UK. You would think a long pause before ever really getting started could have been enough to break even the most resolute of musicians. However, this Colchester four-piece, with their make-or-break attitude, have kicked on through and are now reaping the rewards of their hard work. With over 9,000 monthly listeners and thousands of views on their...

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Money, money, money: Struggles of a band starting up

Money, money, money: Struggles of a band starting up

Money - it won't answer all of your problems but for new bands some more cash would definitely help. I spoke to James Antonov, lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Sheffield based band Shifting Rumours to talk about the struggles he and his band had faced in their fledgling musical career. James...

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Get from your bedroom to backstage…

Get from your bedroom to backstage…

How to get gigs and stories of what to expect as a new musician. From Rock to DnB Rollers, getting from your bedroom to backstage is a mission no matter the genre. Whether it's finding bookings and gigs or how to find your niche, there is no singular handbook on how to be the next Nirvana or Fred...

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